CHAPTER 4: Configuration
4.3.5.B RADIUS Accounting Servers
If you want to, you can use the Remote Access Concentrator’s software implementation of a RADIUS
accounting client. As a client, the Concentrator sends accounting packets to designated RADIUS accounting
servers. When a call is initiated and authenticated successfully, the Concentrator will send an accounting-
request “START” packet to flag the start of a call. When the call is terminated, the Concentrator will send a
corresponding accounting-request “STOP” packet. This packet exchange provides a means of determining
the session time for the call (that is, the number of seconds the call has been active).
To enter information for RADIUS accounting servers, take these steps:
1. Select Accounting Servers from the RADIUS menu. This screen will appear:
2. Use the space bar to toggle the Primary Server’s Status to ENABLED.
3. Enter the IP Address of the primary server.
4. Enter the Shared Secret between the Concentrator and the primary server.
5. Enter the UDP Port Number used by the server. The UDP port number defaults to 1813 because this is
the port number assigned for RADIUS accounting in RFC 2139. However, many RADIUS servers use
UDP port number 1646 for accounting instead.
If you’re using a secondary RADIUS authentication server:
Repeat steps 2 through 5 for the Secondary Server.
(In most cases, the address of the secondary server will not be the same as that of the primary server. If,
however, you have two RADIUS servers running on the same PC but using different UDP ports, the two
have the same IP address.)