CHAPTER 4: Configuration
4.3.1.A IP LAN Interface
Configuring its LAN interface allows the Remote Access Concentrator to route IP data. Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) can be enabled on the interface to allow the exchange of routing information among IP
devices, automating the maintenance of routing tables.
To configure the IP LAN Interface, take these steps:
1. Select IP LAN Interface from the IP Configuration Menu. This screen will appear:
2. Enter the Concentrator’s IP Address. Note that this address can also be configured through the General
Configuration menu, and that if you change the address here, the change will also be reflected in the
General Configuration menu—see
Section 4.3.7
3. Enter the Subnet Mask associated with the IP Address. The mask bits start at the most significant bit of
the IP address and proceed to the least significant bit. The mask identifies the LAN subnet to which the
Concentrator is directly connected. Note that this mask can also be configured through the General
Configuration menu, and that if you change the mask here, the change will also be reflected in the
General Configuration menu—see
Section 4.3.7
4. Select the RIP Status (either ENABLED or DISABLED) for the LAN interface. Use the space bar to toggle
between the selections. Enabling RIP allows the Concentrator to automatically learn LAN routes.