7. Specify the Number of Access Retries that the system will send to the RADIUS accounting server. When a
call is initiated, the Concentrator will send an accounting request to the server. After a set wait-for-response
interval elapses—you’ll configure the length of this interval in the next step—the system will send an
accounting-request retry if the server does not respond. Once the configured number of accounting-
request retries has been reached, the Concentrator will start sending accounting requests to the secondary
server if one is configured. If there is no secondary server configured or if the secondary server also fails
to respond to the accounting requests, no accounting data will be logged.
8. Specify the Seconds between Retries. This is the time in seconds between accounting-request retries sent
from the Concentrator to the RADIUS authentication server.
9. Select SAVE and then RETURN to go back to the RADIUS menu.