4.3.6 CAS C
You may configure the Remote Access Concentrator to provide channel associated signaling (CAS). Similar
to ISDN signaling, CAS signaling methods provide an interface for the telco switch to signal incoming calls
(or, with the R2 protocol, both incoming and outgoing calls).
CAS must be both enabled and configured on the Concentrator in order to be operational. On E1 models
of the Concentrator, take the steps described in
Section 4.3.6.A
to enable and configure the R2 CAS protocol;
on T1 models, take the steps described in
Section 4.3.6.B
to enable and configure the RBS CAS protocol.
4.3.6.A R2 (for E1)
Because the E1 models of the Remote Access Concentrator support R2, they can accept incoming calls and
place outgoing calls over E1 lines provisioned for R2 signaling. R2 signaling uses data in the E1 multiframe
to perform line signaling (line seizure and clearing), then uses in-band signaling (forward and backward
compelled tones) to exchange call-setup information.
To activate R2 signaling, you must enable Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) through the Concentrator’s
Network Tools interface (see
Section 4.4
), and then configure CAS through the Module Configuration menu.
Take these steps:
1. From Local Management’s Module Menu, select Network Tools. The Network Tools command prompt
appears. (Network Tools is command-line-driven.)
2. At the Network Tools prompt, set the line’s signal mode to bit-oriented by typing in the command
wanl1p signalmode bitOriented <port#>
replacing the variable <port#> with the actual port number (that is, the line number) you want reserved
for R2 signaling. For example, to reserve both ports on the LRA3003A for R2 signaling, enter the
following two commands:
wanl1p signalmode bitOriented 1
wanl1p signalmode bitOriented 2
3. Reboot the system. (You can perform a soft reboot by typing in Network Tools’