and reduces the load.
In a broadcast, data packets are sent from one point to all the sub-
scribers in a network, e. g. if the recipient is not yet known. Ex-
amples of this are the ARP and DHCP protocols. The communica-
tion is via broadcast addresses: MAC networks:
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, IPv4 networks:, IPv6 net-
works: ff00::/8
BRRP is an implementation of the Virtual Router Redundancy Pro-
tocol (VRRP). The aim of the method is to compensate for the fail-
ure of the default gateway. Multiple routers are combined to form
one virtual router. If one of these routers falls over, the others are
able to replace it.
Certificate Authority. See Certificate.
The device temporarily stores data used in name resolution in the
cache. See also ARP.
The number of the party being phoned.
The number of the calling terminal.
The Common ISDN Application Programming Interface (CAPI) is a
programming interface for ISDN. It enables application programs to
access ISDN hardware from a PC. See also TAPI.
Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points Protocol
(CAPWAP) is used to have wireless access points (slaves) mon-
itored by a WLAN controller (master). It uses UDP port 5246 for
monitoring and 5247 to send data.
CAST is an encryption method (see Cipher). CAST uses a fixed
block length of 64 bits. The key length can be between 40 and 128
bits. Alternative names are CAST-128 and CAST5.
A certificate identifies a person, an institution, a device or an applic-
ation. A public key certificate is a digital certificate and it creates a
connection between the identity and a public key. Certificates with
public keys are issued by a certification authority (CA). Certificates
that can no longer be trusted may be revoked using certificate re-
vocation lists (CRLs)
A wireless channel is a frequency band used for wireless LAN.
Devices that send on adjacent channels disrupt one another.
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bintec RS Series