checked by sending LCP echo requests or replies. This is re-
commended for leased lines, PPTP and L2TP connections.
The function is enabled with
The function is enabled by default.
Prioritize TCP ACK
Select whether the TCP download is to be optimised in the
event of intensive TCP upload. This function can be specially
applied for asymmetrical bandwidths (ADSL).
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
Fields in the IP Options menu.
Select whether and how routes are propagated via the interface
and/or OSPF protocol packets are sent.
Possible values:
(default value): OSPF is not activated for this inter-
face, i.e. no routes are propagated or OSPF protocol packets
sent over this interface. Networks reachable over this inter-
face are, however, included when calculating the routing in-
formation and propagated over active interfaces.
: OSPF is activated for this interface, i.e. routes are
propagated or OSPF protocol packets sent over this interface.
: OSPF is disabled for this interface.
Proxy ARP Mode
Select whether your device is to respond to ARP requests from
its own LAN on behalf of the specific L2TP partner.
Possible values:
(default value): Deactivates Proxy ARP for this
L2TP partner.
.+ 5
: Your device only responds to an ARP re-
quest if the status of the connection to the L2TP partner is
(active) or
. In the case of
, your device only
responds to the ARP request; the connection is not set up un-
bintec elmeg GmbH
15 VPN
bintec RS Series