Local Services->Wake-On-LAN->WOL Rules menu.
Define the action to be taken for a filtered data packet.
Possible values:
: 2-0 $ $1 %
: Run WOL if the filter
: $ $1 %
: Run WOL if the fil-
ter does not match.
5( 2-0 $ $1 %
: Do not run WOL if the fil-
ter matches.
5( 2-0 $ $1 %
: Do not run
WOL if the filter does not match.
# 1 :+ ? 1
: This rule is ig-
nored and the next one in the chain is examined.
Select whether the Wake on LAN magic packet is to be sent as
a UDP packet or as an Ethernet frame via the interface spe-
cified in Send WOL packet via interface.
Send WOL packet over
Select the interface which is to be used to send the Wake on
LAN magic packet.
Target MAC-Address
Only where Action =
: 2-0 $ $1 %
: $ $1 %
Enter the MAC address of the network device that is to be en-
abled using WOL.
Only where Action =
: 2-0 $ $1 %
: $ $1 %
If the network device that is to be enabled supports the "Se-
cureOn" function, enter the corresponding password for this
device here. The device is only enabled if the MAC address and
password are correct.
18.12.3 Interface Assignment
In this menu, the configured rule chains are assigned to individual interfaces which are then
monitored for these rule chains.
A list of all configured interface assignments is displayed in the Local Services->Wake-
bintec elmeg GmbH
18 Local Services
bintec RS Series