203) ?!
: The RADIUS server is used for controlling
access to a wireless network.
: The RADIUS server is used for authenticating IPSec
peers via XAuth.
Vendor Mode
Only for Authentication Type =
3%% #
In hotspot applications, select the mode define by the provider.
In standard applications, leave the value set to
Possible values for hotspot applications:
=% *1%
: For France Telecom hotspot applications.
"% @ +
: For hotspot applications.
Server IP Address
Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server.
Enter the shared password used for communication between
the RADIUS server and your device.
Default User Password Some Radius servers require a user password for each RADI-
US request. Enter the password that your device sends as the
default user password in the prompt for the dialout routes on the
RADIUS server.
If a number of RADIUS server entries were created, the server
with the highest priority is used first. If this server does not an-
swer, the server with the next-highest priority is used.
Possible values from
(highest priority) to
(lowest priority).
The default value is
See also Policy in the Advanced Settings.
Entry active
Select whether the RADIUS server configured in this entry is to
be used.
The function is activated by selecting
The function is enabled by default.
Group Description
Define a new RADIUS group description or assign the new RA-
DIUS entry to a predefined group. The configured RADIUS
bintec elmeg GmbH
7 System Management
bintec RS Series