ternative subject name by default. Make sure you and your peer
both use the same name, i.e. that your local ID and the peer ID
your partner configures for you are identical.
Preshared Key
Enter the password agreed with the peer.
The maximum length of the entry is 50 characters. All charac-
ters are possible except for
at the start of the entry.
Fields in the menu Interface Routes
IP Address Assign-
Select the configuration mode of the interface.
Possible values:
(default value): Enter a static IP address.
4 6 $# ' 61
: Can only be selected for
IKEv1. Select this option if your gateway receives an IP ad-
dress from the server as IPSec client.
4 6 $# '
: Select this option if your gate-
way assigns an IP address as server for connecting clients.
This is taken from the selected IP Assignment Pool.
Config Mode
Only where IP Address Assignment =
4 6 $# '
4 6 $# ' 61
Possible values:
(default value): The client requests the IP address and
the gateway answers the request.
: The gateway suggests an IP address to the client and
the client must either accept or reject this.
This value must be identical for both sides of the tunnel.
IP Assignment Pool
Only if IP Address Assignment =
4 6 $# '
Select an IP pool configured in the VPN->IPSec->IP
Poolsmenu. If an IP pool has not been configured here yet, the
) ( $
appears in this field.
Default Route
Only for IP Address Assignment =
4 6 $#
bintec elmeg GmbH
15 VPN
bintec RS Series