Entering an Address/Postcode
One of the most commonly used methods for inputting a destination into the unit, tap
the screen will change to show the following.
This screen shows a list of any previously used
cities/towns. You will also be able to enter a new city
name as well as changing the country you wish to
search within. Every time you enter a new city it will
be added to the list of recent cities so that it can be
quickly used in the future.
To select a previously used city, select the city from
the list so that it is highlighted orange and then tap
to accept or double tap on the city name, the
screen will change to the Address Search window with the selected city now shown on the
city field.
To change the country tap on the currently selected country name, this will be defaulted to
United Kingdom. A new screen will open with a list of all available countries (note: the list
of countries will depend on the model of unit you have purchased, e.g. UK & ROI or
Western Europe). Use the
keys to move through the list until you see your
desired country. Then select the country from the list so that it is highlighted orange and
then tap
to accept or double tap the country name. Alternatively tap in the white text
box which shows the name of the currently selected country, you will be shown a keyboard
screen. Enter the name of the country you are looking for and tap
. Tap
accept or double tap the country name. Now the screen will change to show either a
keyboard if no previous city has been entered which allows you to enter the name of the
city or postcode you are looking for or you will be shown a list of previously entered cities
as covered above.
If the country is correct and the required city does not appear on the previously used list or
you wish to enter a postcode. Tap on the white box at the top of the screen which says
“Click Here”, this will open a keyboard which allows you to enter the name of the city or the
postcode you are looking for.
Tap on the keyboard characters to enter the name of
the city or Postcode you are looking for. As you enter
characters the keyboard will start to blank out letters,
this is because the unit is narrowing down the search
and only showing characters which can be entered.
The number in the top right of the white box shows
the number of possible matches. Continue entering
characters until the unit narrows the search down to
a point where the remaining possible matches will be
shown on a list, or when the
is shown in white,
tap it to be shown all remaining matches. Scroll
through the remaining matches, select the correct city/postcode from the list and tap
to confirm or double tap the list item. The screen will change to the Address Search
window with the selected city now shown on the city field.
Note: That there is no need to enter any special characters in the city name as the unit will