Beurer BGL60 mg/dL
Measuring blood pressure
Restricted blood flow in an arm due to chronic or acute vascular diseases (in-
cluding vasoconstrictions) reduces measurement accuracy.
Values that you measure yourself are useful for information purposes only –
they are not intended to replace consultation with your doctor. Discuss your
measured values with your physician, but by no means base any personal
medical decisions on them (e.g. medications and their doses).
Erroneous measurements can arise from diseases of the cardiovascular circu-
lation system, just as from very low blood pressure, blood flow and cardiac ar-
rythmias as well as from other pre-existing conditions.
Measuring blood sugar
The measured values you determine are useful for information purposes only
– they are not intended to replace consultation with your doctor. Discuss your
measured values with your doctor regularly. Do not change any aspects of
your treatment unless instructed by your doctor.
Water deficiency or a large loss of fluid, for example by sweating, can lead to
false measurement results.
A very high or very low haematocrit value (proportion of red blood cells) can
lead to incorrect measurements. With a very high haematocrit value (over
60%), the displayed blood sugar value may be too low. If you have a very low
haematocrit value (below 20%), the blood sugar value may be too high. If you
do not know your haematocrit value, ask your doctor.
Do not use the test strips to take blood sugar measurements of newborn infants.
Metabolites such as uric acid, ascorbic acid, acetaminophen (paracetamol),
dopa, methyldopa, L-dopa and tolbutamide do not influence the results if they
are present within the physiological value range.