Saturation refers to the gray amount in a color. It is based on the color's purity and intensity.
Highly saturated colors presents less gray and displays brighter or lighter effects, while less
saturated colors displays duller and more gray images. A color that is 100 percent saturated
contains no gray.
sRGB, short for Standard Red Green Blue, is a standard color space proposed by Hewlett-Packard
and Microsoft, generally adopted within the Microsoft operating systems, HP products, the
Internet, and all other interested vendors. This color space is provided to complement the current
color management strategies by enabling a third method of handling color in the operating
systems, device drivers and the Internet that utilizes a simple and robust device independent color
For monitors, the screen resolution signifies the number of dots (pixels) on the entire screen. For
example, your FP91R is a native 1280-by-1024 pixel screen, and it is capable of displaying 1280
horizontal dots (pixels) on each of 1200 vertical dots (pixels). When your monitor is set to its
native resolution, you will have a full screen view of the images.