11.3 Power supply for the module electronics/sensors
11.4 Power supply type B ports (auxiliary supply)
11.5 IO-Link Master Ports (X1 - X8, Ch. A/C/Q/ Pin 4)
11.5.1 Configured as a digital input
11.5.2 Configured as a digital output (except 0980 ESL 3x8-121)
11.5.3 Configured as an IO-Link port in COM mode
11.6 Digital inputs (X1 – X4, type A ports, ch. B/pin 2)
config. as a digital output (X5 - X8, type B ports,
11.9 Differences between 0980 ESL 3x8-121 and 0980 ESL 3x9-121
Manual LioN-P PROFINET IO-Link Master
Version 2.1 10/2017