HCO-3901 |
3.4.10 The RALM panel
The Remote Audio Level Meter (RALM) panel displays audio
level meters that can be assigned to audio arriving at both
inputs of the HCO-3901.
Use the checkboxes in the RALM Remote Control section at
the bottom of the panel to select the audio to be displayed on
the meters.
The display window is divided into two sections of two meter-
pairs each.
The left-hand section displays the audio associated
with the first group selected using the checkboxes in
the RALM Remote Control section of the panel (as
indicated in the label above the meters)
The right-hand section displays the audio associated
with the second group selected using the checkboxes
in the RALM Remote Control section of the panel (as
indicated in the label above the meters)
You may select any of the eight AES available in inputs 1 and 2; there is no need to select one from input 1 and one
from input 2.
A maximum of four AES can be selected at any time
You must deselect one of the inputs before you can select another one to replace it.
Once the groups are selected, use the controls in the RALM Connections tab to turn individual meter-pairs on and off.
Speed –
select the meter response from the pull-down list, options are [fast, medium, slow]
RALM Connections tab
Use the radio buttons to turn the meter display ON (RALM) or
OFF for the indicated channels. The meter appears directly
above the controls.
Reset Counter:
click this button to reset the overload counter
on the ALM display to zero. See the next section for
instructions on setting up the overload counter.
Meter Ballistics Config tab
– select a type of meter from the pull-down list
The meter is divided into three zones, and the
dividing points and color of each zone are
individually configurable in this tab.
Figure 3.30 Meter Ballistics Config tab
Figure 3.29 RALM Connections tab
Figure 3.28 RALM Panel