HCO-3901 |
Icon 3 – Input 1 status
A: Green - Status OK; format shown
B: Red – Error
Icon 4 – Input 2 status
A: Green - Status OK
B: Red - Error
Icon 5 – Input 3 status
A: Green - Status OK
B: Red - Error
Icon 6 – Bypass Status
A: Bypass not active – switch operational
B: Bypass activated
Icon 7 – Card Heath status
A: Green - Fan OK and GPI Power OK
B: Red - Fan error or GPI Power Error
When an icon shows an error state, a message describing the error will appear beneath the icons. If there is more
than one error, they will cycle through the display.
The icon whose status or error message is shown is highlighted with a mauve background
Move the cursor over an icon to display its status message. Error message cycling will resume when the
cursor is no longer over an icon
The left-hand side of the panel contains a series of buttons that control the contents of the main window (section
4). Click on one to access the indicated controls. The selected button is highlighted (darker) and the main panel
heading matched the button name.
At the bottom are the controls for the User presets.
This section contains the main operating controls and displays for managing the HCO-3901’s feature set. The
contents are selected by clicking a button on the left-hand side of the screen.
The left side of the window, containing sections 2 and 3, can be hidden or revealed by clicking the arrow icon at the
center of the left side border.
Each of the panels associated with the groups accessed from the buttons in Section 2, and shown in Section 4, is
described individually in the following sections.
3.4.2 The Switch panel
The HCO-3901 has three modes of switch operation, selected from the Select tab in the Switch control panel.
Clean switching in any of these modes is enabled by selecting the
Clean Switch Enable
This activates the Timing panel, where the clean switch timing requirements can be set up. See section 3.4.4
NOTE – Input 3 is a secondary input, and has limitations:
It is not included in the AUTO switch mode and the associated alarm-setting functionality.
Clean switches are not supported.
It does not generate thumbnails or fingerprints.
It is not selectable for audio level metering (RALM) or ALC.