6.3.1 Access
Access to the listener configuration menu is
obtained by operating the P and E buttons
simultaneously. If the BA448CF-F is not protected
by an access code the first parameter 'SCAn’ will
be displayed.* If the indicator is protected by an
access code, ‘CodE’ will be displayed first.
Pressing P will allow the four digit security code to
be entered digit by digit using the
button to
adjust the flashing digit and P to move control to
the next digit. When the correct code has been
entered, pressing E will cause the first parameter
‘SCAn’ to be displayed.* If an incorrect code is
entered, or no button is pressed for ten seconds,
the indicator will automatically return to the display
* If the indicator displays ‘rESEt’ it is conditioned
as a fieldbus node, see section 6.2.2 to change it
to a fieldbus listener.
6.3.2 Summary of listener configuration
This section contains a summary of all the listener
configuration functions including a reference to
more detailed information. It should be read in
conjunction with Fig 6.
Indicator Summary
display of function
Scan fieldbus segment
Identifies all publishers on the fieldbus
segment to which the listener is
connected and enables selected data to
be allocated to one of the eight listener
See section 6.3.3
List configured input parameters
For each of the eight BA448CF-F
listener input, in-1 to in-8 shows if the
input is enabled and the allocated
Device Address and Variable Identity.
Parameters can not be changed from
within this function.
See section 6.3.4
Enter addresses and display
Contains six sub-functions that enable
known fieldbus Device Address and
Variable Identity to be entered and all
display parameters adjusted for each of
the eight fieldbus listener inputs.
See section 6.3.5
Enable listener input
Each of the eight listener inputs in-1
to in-8 may be enabled or disabled
without affecting any parameters.
See section 6.3.6
Enter fieldbus Device Address
Allows hexadecimal fieldbus device
address for each of the eight listener
inputs in-1 to in-8 to be entered.
See section 6.3.7
Enter Variable Identity
Allows hexadecimal Variable Identity
for each listener input in-1 to in-8 to
be entered.
See section 6.3.8
Decimal point position
Defines position of displayed decimal
point for each listener input in-1 to
See section 6.3.9
Configuration of bargraph display.
Defines bargraph type, plus digital
display at which bargraph is zero and
full scale for each listener input in-1 to
See section 6.3.10
Scale numeric display
Applies zero offset and scale factor to
the numeric display for each listener
input in-1 to in-8.
See section 6.3.11
Access code for listener
configuration menu
Enters a four digit security access
code for configuration menu. Default
code 0000 disables this function.
See section 6.3.12
Change from listener to node
Changes the function of the fieldbus
indicator from a listener to a node.
See section 6.3.13
Returns the BA448CF-F listener to
factory defaults.
See section 6.3.14