6.3.3 Scan fieldbus segment ‘SCAn’
If the Device Address and Variable Identity of a
process variable are not known, the ‘SCAn’
function provides a simple way to identify them.
This function scans the fieldbus segment to which
the BA448CF-F indicator is connected and
identifies all the publishers. To aid identification it
enables the value of each process variable to be
pre-viewed and, if required, allocated to one of the
eight BA448CF-F Fieldbus indicator inputs.
The BA448CF-F indicator only supports DS-65
formatted data (float + status) which is the usual
format for analogue process variables. The
‘SCAn’ function will identify all publishers on the
segment irrespective of format, but when pre-
viewed, non DS-65 formatted data will produce a
‘no dAt’ error message.
‘SCAn’ is the first function displayed when entering
the listener configuration menu, or it may be
selected from within the menu by operating the
button. To scan the fieldbus segment to
which the indicator is connected for all published
data press P which will reveal the hexadecimal
Device Address and Variable Identity of the first
publisher found as shown in Fig 5. If there is
more than one publisher operating the
button will scroll though all of them.
If no cyclic data is being published on the fieldbus
segment the BA448CF-F indicator will display
When the Device Address and Variable Identity of
a process variable is being displayed, pressing P
will preview the value of the process variable
displayed with maximum resolution on the five digit
display. If this confirms that it is one of the
process variables to be displayed, it may be
allocated to one of the eight BA448CF-F listener
inputs in-1 to in-8.
To select the required listener input press P to
display the first input in-1, operating the
button will scroll the display through the other
inputs. When the required input is displayed
pressing E will allocate the selected process
variable to the selected input and return the display
to the Device Address and Variable Identity from
which another process variable may be selected.
When a process variable is allocated to a indicator
input any previous allocation will be overwritten.
6.3.4 List configured input parameters ‘LiSt’
The ‘LiSt’ function enables the Device Address and
Variable Identity allocated to each lindicator input
to be viewed without danger of it being accidentally
The ‘LiSt’ function may be selected from within the
menu by operating
button. To enter the
function press P which will display the indicator
input currently selected in the display mode, other
inputs may be selected using the
Operating the P button will cause the following
parameters for the selected input to be displayed
Display Explanation
‘Enb: Y or N’
Input Enabled yes or no
‘Adr: 00’
Device Address
‘id: 00’
Variable Identity
The display then automatically returns to the
selected BA448CF-F indicator input from where
another input may be selected.
If one of the eight BA448CF-F indicator’s inputs in-
1 to in-8 has not had a Device Address and
Variable Identity allocated to it, ‘LiSt’ will show both
as invalid address FF.
6.3.5 Enter address & display parameters
The ‘Edit’ function may be selected from within the
menu by operating
button. To enter the
function press P which will display the indicator
input currently selected in the display mode, other
listener inputs may be selected using the
button. When the required input has been
selected operating the P button will enter the edit
sub-menu at ‘Enb’ for the selected input.
6.3.6 Enable selected input ‘Enb’
‘Enb’ turns the indicator input selected in the Edit
function on or off without affecting the conditioning.
To enter the function press P which will reveal
whether the selected input is ‘on’ or ‘oFF’.
Operating the
buttons will toggle between
the two conditions. When set as required
operating the E button will enter the selection and
return to the edit sub-menu.