Description of function
Total scale factor
Defines the arithmetic relationship
between the number of input
pulses and the total display.
Dividing factor adjustable between
0.001 and 99999999.
See section 2.5.8
Rate scale factor
Defines the arithmetic relationship
between the pulse input frequency
and the rate display. Dividing
factor adjustable between 0.001
and 99999999
See section 2.5.9
Rate display filter
Adjustable digital filter to reduce
noise on the rate display. Two
parameters each adjustable
between 0 and 9.
See section 2.5.10
Selectable multiplier to display rate
in units per second, per minute or
per hour.
rate / second
rate / minute
rate / hour
See section 2.5.11
'uP or dn'
Direction of count
Determines whether pulses at
inputs A and B increment or
decrement the total display.
See section 2.5.12
Description of function
'rSET UAL’ Reset value
Defines a pre-set number to which
the display will be set when the
BA364D is locally or remotely
reset. Allows the instrument to
count down from a preset number.
See section 2.5.13
‘LOC-rSEt’ Local reset of total display
When turned ‘On’ the total display
may be reset from the display
mode by simultaneously operating
push-buttons for
at least two seconds.
See section 2.5.14
Resetting grand total
This function resets the grand total
to zero when ‘CLr YES’ is
selected, and ‘SurE’ is entered to
confirm the instruction.
Once cleared, a grand total
can not be recovered.
See section 2.5.15
Security code
Defines a four digit numeric code
which must be entered to gain
access to the programmable
functions. Default code 0000
disables the security function and
allows unrestricted access to all
programmable functions.
See section 2.5.16