Fig 1.3 Dimensions and terminal connections
Detailed programming information is contained in
each of the four function sections of this
instruction manual.
1.6.1 Security override link
To prevent accidental adjustment, or tampering,
access to the programme menus may be
protected by a four digit security code.
If the
security code is lost, access to the programmable
functions can be obtained by moving the internal
security link to the override position. The original
security code can then be viewed by selecting
'COdE' from the main menu and pressing
To gain access to the security code link, remove
the instrument control cover by undoing the two
‘C’ screws – see Fig 1.2. If the instrument is
fitted with external push-buttons the connecting
ribbon cable should be unplugged. The security
code override link is located on the inner row of
the five pin connector shown in Fig 1.4.
Fig 1.4 Location of security override
A fault finding guide is contained in each section
of this manual. If this does not reveal the cause
of the problem, our sales department will be
pleased to help you. Faulty BA364D instruments
should be returned to BEKA associates for repair,
or to our agent in your area, for repair.
1.7.1 Routine maintenance
The mechanical condition of the instrument
should be regularly checked. The interval
between inspections depends upon
environmental conditions. We recommend that
initially instruments should be inspected annually.
1.7.2 Guarantee
Instruments which fail within the guarantee period
should be returned to BEKA associates or our
local agent. It is helpful if a brief description of
the fault symptoms is provided.
BEKA associates is always pleased to receive
comments from customers about our products
and services. All communications are
acknowledged and whenever possible,
suggestions are implemented.