In addition to the ATEX EC-Type Examination
Certificate, ITS have issued two system
certificates. One defines how the BA364D may
be used with Zener barriers and the other with
galvanic isolators.
Interface Certificate No
Zener barriers
Galvanic isolators
This section interprets these system certificates
and illustrates how to design counter systems
with Zener barriers and galvanic isolators.
System certificates are Certificates of Conformity
which are primarily issued for guidance in the UK.
They do not form part of certification to the
European ATEX Directive.
Zener barriers are the least expensive
intrinsically safe interface between a safe and
hazardous area. However, they do not provide
isolation and require a high integrity earth
connection that may be expensive to install. For
a single BA364D counter it may be less
expensive and complicated to use galvanic
isolators when a high integrity earth connection is
not already available.
Any certified Zener barriers may be used with the
BA364D providing their output parameters do not
exceed the input parameters of the terminals to
which they are connected. Only one polarity of
Zener barrier i.e. positive or negative, may be
used with each instrument.
To assist with system design, the Zener barrier
system certificate specifies the maximum output
parameters of the Zener barriers that may be
connected to the BA364D and defines the
maximum cable parameters. Diode return
barriers are identified by manufacturers type
number, although alternatives may be used.
The basic system used for all BA364D hazardous
area counter installations is shown in Fig 2.1
Intrinsic safety requirements are explained in
section one of this manual which should be read
before the system is designed.
Fig 2.1 Counter installation using barriers
If the total display is reset from the instrument
front panel, or from an external switch in the
hazardous area, only the power supply Zener
barrier is required.
2.3.1 Power supply
A BA364D is powered from the safe area via a
positive polarity 28V 300
Zener barrier which
will have an end-to-end resistance of about
. When operating as a counter with two
proximity detector inputs, the BA364D consumes
approximately 20mA and requires a minimum
voltage of 10V between terminals 1 and 2. The
supply voltage in the safe area must therefore be
between 16.8V and the maximum working
voltage of the Zener barrier – usually about 26V.