PF1352 USER MANUAL REV A 12/21/15
Behlman’s Remote Interface application software is designed to ease control of power
supplies with remote SCPI interface capabilities. The software provides the ability to
program and retrieve the power supplies output parameters.
Figure 6-1 Behlman Remote Interface Command Tab
There are 5 tabs that can be accessed through the View menu:
1. Command Tab: Use this tab to set and retrieve the power supplies output
parameters such as Voltage, Current Limit, Frequency, Output and Voltage
Range settings. This tab also provides the ability to save and recall a power
supplies state.
2. Trigger Tab: Use this tab to setup and run a trigger event. Events can be defined
for Voltage, Frequency and Current Limit.
3. Status Tab: Use this tab to read the power supplies status registers.
4. Communication Tab: Use this tab to setup the communication parameters for
Ethernet and RS-232.
5. Manufacturer Tab: Use this tab to setup the system password and to read the
manufacturer ID string.