Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 2.8
Find the corresponding channel on the tab
of the device ("Search" button), adjust the station
address and the baud rate, if necessary (the default setting is 12 Mbaud).
Add modules
Modules are to be added to the box corresponding to the data that is to be transferred cyclically. This is done
by clicking with the right mouse button on the box, and then selecting "Add modules":
Fig. 126: Append modules
Configuring the Master
The file "
" is to be taken out of the "TwinCAT\Io\Profibus" directory to configure the master.
The modules must be inserted in the master configuration
in the same sequence
as they are in the
configuration of the slave in the System Manager.
The DP slave supports a DPV1-MSAC_C1 server connection that is established along with the cyclic
connection. This can be used so that larger quantities of acyclic data can be transferred alongside the cyclic
data. A DPV1 read telegram received by the master is reported to the PLC as an ADS read indication, while
a DPV1 write telegram is reported to the PLC as an ADS write indication. The PLC program is then
responsible for the read or write response. To do this, the ADS read response or ADS write response
functions are to be called.
MSAC-C1 Read
A DPV1-MSAC_C1 read indication is represented in an ADS read indication as follows:
ADS read indication parameter
Source-Net-ID (NETID)
Net-ID of the slave (see the device’s
Source-Port (PORT)
A unique number that must reappear in the response
IndexGroup (IDXGRP)
Slot number (DPV1 parameter)
IndexOffset (IDXOFFS)
Index (DPV1 parameter)
Length (LENGTH)
Length of the data that is to be read
An ADS read response is represented in a DPV1-MSAC_C1 read response as follows: