Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 2.8
OFFLINE configuration creation
Creating the EtherCAT device
Create an EtherCAT device in an empty System Manager window.
Fig. 46: Append EtherCAT device (left: TwinCAT 2; right: TwinCAT 3)
Select type ‘EtherCAT’ for an EtherCAT I/O application with EtherCAT slaves. For the present publisher/
subscriber service in combination with an EL6601/EL6614 terminal select “EtherCAT Automation Protocol
via EL6601”.
Fig. 47: Selecting the EtherCAT connection (TwinCAT 2.11, TwinCAT 3)
Then assign a real Ethernet port to this virtual device in the runtime system.
Fig. 48: Selecting the Ethernet port
This query may appear automatically when the EtherCAT device is created, or the assignment can be set/
modified later in the properties dialog; see Fig. “EtherCAT device properties (TwinCAT 2)”.