Salt electrolysis
The menu anti-freeze can be used to activate a frost protection
function for solar control.
Ambient temperature
The temperature input used for measuring air
(optional for frost protection):
None (function inactive)
Temp. input 1 [3]
Temp. input 2 [4]
Temp. input 3 [5]
Solar control (frost protection) does not trigger at air
temperatures below this threshold value
Temperature sensor
Type and function of temperature sensors.
Safety settings
Hazard via remote access
In some circumstances, hazards may be yielded via
remote access to the solar control system, e.g.
Potential consequence: Injury,
material damage.
Release of remote access to solar control is
expressly PROHIBITED for all applications in which
the safety of persons, animals, and property is not
completely guaranteed at all times and under all
circumstances; especially for remote acces
Safety is exclusively in the system operator's
sphere of responsibility.
The device manufacturer disclaims all liability.
The following security settings are available:
Safety settings
Allow solar remote
Potential settings:
Local network
Local network & Web
Display in
Mode menu
Yes / no
Electrical connection
Requisite user qualification:
Electrical connection of the solar control system may
only be performed by an ELECTRICAL SPECIALIST as
defined in the chapter
User qualification.
Observe maximum flows
Observe the maximum permissible currents for each
individual relay switch output (max. 4A) and for the sum
of all relay switch outputs being used in 230V~ (in sum,
max. 4A)
Please also refer to the Chapter
Depending on the type and model of the solar heating system, there
are various options for establishing the electrical connection (potential
free, 230V~,...).
In general, the connection options already described for the universal
switch outputs are available, see
Universal switch output
connection options
User Manual PoolManager
can be used to activate a frost protection
The temperature input used for measuring air
for frost protection):
Solar control (frost protection) does not trigger at air
temperatures below this threshold value
Type and function of temperature sensors.
In some circumstances, hazards may be yielded via
remote access to the solar control system, e.g.
Potential consequence: Injury,
Release of remote access to solar control is
expressly PROHIBITED for all applications in which
the safety of persons, animals, and property is not
completely guaranteed at all times and under all
circumstances; especially for remote access.
Safety is exclusively in the system operator's
The device manufacturer disclaims all liability.
Electrical connection of the solar control system may
only be performed by an ELECTRICAL SPECIALIST as
User qualification.
Observe the maximum permissible currents for each
switch output (max. 4A) and for the sum
of all relay switch outputs being used in 230V~ (in sum,
Please also refer to the Chapter
230V~ Power supply.
Depending on the type and model of the solar heating system, there
ablishing the electrical connection (potential
In general, the connection options already described for the universal
Universal switch output
Salt electrolysis
offers the capacity to trigger an external salt
electrolysis system.
For PoolManager
Cl, the current calculated dosing output for
disinfection (redox (mV)) is converted into a trigger signal for the salt
electrolysis system. Triggering can be optionally realised w
pulses or via a current output 0/4-
The control system adjusted the salt electrolysis system's production
as needed. The higher PoolManager
higher the salt electrolysis system's production is as well.
Suitable salt electrolysis systems
In order for this function to be used, the salt electrolysis
system used has to have the corresponding input for
external triggering, optionally for trigger pulses or for a
0/4-20mA current signal.
Salt electrolysis
The configuration menu for triggering the salt electrolysis system is
called up with the following icon:
Salt electrolysis
The following settings are available:
Salt electrolysis
Salt electrolysis
Active / inactive
Basic configuration
Basic settings for salt electrolysis.
Basic configuration
The menu
Basic configuration
is used to configure the basic settings
for triggering salt electrolysis. This is generally done once at the start
The following settings are available:
Basic configuration
Operating mode Salt
Inactive (salt electrolysis not used)
Trigger pulses
(a pulse triggers a production cycle in the salt
electrolysis system)
Power output 0/4
For the operating mode
Control pulse
Relay output
The relay switch output used for pulse control:
(None / OUT 1 [26] / OUT 2 [27] / OUT 3 [30] /
OUT 4 [31] / pH+ [22] / pH
Salt electrolysis
working cycle
Duration of one salt electrolysis
cycle. After that period has passed, PoolManager
generates a
is 100%.
For lower dosing outputs, the time between two
control pulses extends accordingly.
In order to reduce production in general,
value can be entered for the operating cycle.
Pulse length of the
trigger pulse
Duration of control
Only for operating mode
Power output 0/4
Power output used
Power output for
Min. power
(at 0% dosing output)
Minimum current emitted at 0% dosing output.
Max. power
(at 100% dosing
Maximum current emitted at 100% dosing output.
e capacity to trigger an external salt
Cl, the current calculated dosing output for
disinfection (redox (mV)) is converted into a trigger signal for the salt
electrolysis system. Triggering can be optionally realised with control
The control system adjusted the salt electrolysis system's production
eeded. The higher PoolManager
current dosing output is, the
higher the salt electrolysis system's production is as well.
Suitable salt electrolysis systems
In order for this function to be used, the salt electrolysis
system used has to have the corresponding input for
external triggering, optionally for trigger pulses or for a
20mA current signal.
The configuration menu for triggering the salt electrolysis system is
The following settings are available:
Basic configuration
is used to configure the basic settings
for triggering salt electrolysis. This is generally done once at the start-
Inactive (salt electrolysis not used)
Trigger pulses
(a pulse triggers a production cycle in the salt
electrolysis system)
Power output 0/4-20mA
The relay switch output used for pulse control:
(None / OUT 1 [26] / OUT 2 [27] / OUT 3 [30] /
OUT 4 [31] / pH+ [22] / pH- [21]).
Controling is inactive
Duration of one salt electrolysis system production
cycle. After that period has passed, PoolManager
generates a control pulse if the current dosing output
For lower dosing outputs, the time between two
pulses extends accordingly.
In order to reduce production in general, a larger
value can be entered for the operating cycle.
control pulse in [ms].
Power output 0/4-20mA
Power output for controling salt electrolysis.
Minimum current emitted at 0% dosing output.
Maximum current emitted at 100% dosing output.