Manual dosing
Calibration of temperature measurement is performed in the menu:
Calibration Temperature
Please perform calibration as follows:
Select the temperature input to be calibrated
1-point Calibration Temperature T1 / T2 / T3
Measure the corresponding temperature (water, solar, air) for
the corresponding input on the thermometer
Enter the temperature measured as the calibration value
If the displayed measured value signal is stable and is no longer
changing in a relevant manner, then confirm calibration
Check the calibration results displayed and close calibration by
Manual dosing
For each module pH, chlorine (Cl) / Bromine (Br), mV (redox), and O2,
there is the option of adding additional product to the
water via manual dosing.
Manual dosing is restricted in time and will automatically end after the
dosing duration has selected has passed. Furthermore, manual dosing
can be manually stopped at any time. During manual dosing, the
dosage pump runs continuously, i.e. at a dosing output of 100%.
Manual dosing can be blocked by alarms; see section
Menu manual dosing
Manual dosing can be started in the following menus:
Manual dosing pH
Manual dosing chlorine(Cl) / bromine(Br)
Manual dosing mV (Cl) / manual dosing mV (Br)
Manual dosing O2
The following displays and settings are available in each menu:
Setting range
Standard setting
Default set Europe
measured value
pH / mV
Display of current measured value for orientation
Manual dosing
D- / D+
Cl / mV:
Dosage direction in manual dosing can only be selected
for pH if pH control is working bi
direction dosage, manual dosing always occurs in the
direction indicated.
Hose config.
pH / mV / O2
0.9 l/h / 3l/h / ...
pH / Cl / mV: 1.5 l/h
O2: 3 l/h
Here, the dosing output of the corresponding
dosage pump is entered. This setting
absolutely must coincide with the actual
pump output on the dosage
used. Otherwise, PoolManager
calculate the requisite pump runtime correctly
for manual dosing, and under certain
circumstances the desired amount may not
User Manual PoolManager
Calibration of temperature measurement is performed in the menu:
Select the temperature input to be calibrated
T1 / T2 / T3
temperature (water, solar, air) for
the corresponding input on the thermometer
Enter the temperature measured as the calibration value
If the displayed measured value signal is stable and is no longer
changing in a relevant manner, then confirm calibration by
Check the calibration results displayed and close calibration by
For each module pH, chlorine (Cl) / Bromine (Br), mV (redox), and O2,
there is the option of adding additional product to the swimming pool
Manual dosing is restricted in time and will automatically end after the
dosing duration has selected has passed. Furthermore, manual dosing
can be manually stopped at any time. During manual dosing, the
uns continuously, i.e. at a dosing output of 100%.
Manual dosing can be blocked by alarms; see section
Blocking via
Manual dosing can be started in the following menus:
Manual dosing chlorine(Cl) / bromine(Br)
Manual dosing mV (Cl) / manual dosing mV (Br)
The following displays and settings are available in each menu:
Standard setting
Default set Europe
Display of current measured value for orientation
Cl / mV: D+
Dosage direction in manual dosing can only be selected
for pH if pH control is working bi-directionally. In mono-
dosing always occurs in the
pH / Cl / mV: 1.5 l/h
O2: 3 l/h
Here, the dosing output of the corresponding
dosage pump is entered. This setting
must coincide with the actual
pump output on the dosage pump being
used. Otherwise, PoolManager
may not
calculate the requisite pump runtime correctly
for manual dosing, and under certain
circumstances the desired amount may not
be dosed!
Manual dosing
0.1...10.0 l
Here, the desired dosing amount is set for manual dosing.
calculates the duration of manual dosing
based on the dosing amount and hose configuration.
For a hose configuration with 1.5 l/h and a
of 1.0 l, a manual dosing duration of 40 min. is yielded.
Manual dosing
1...240 min
Here, the duration of manual dosing can be established. If
this setting is changed, then PoolManager
recalculates the dosing amount
For a hose configuration of 1.5 l/h and a manual dosing
duration of 30 min, a dosing amount of 0.75 l is yielded.
Pressing the button
start manual dosing
In addition to manual addition of t
possible to select a volume of single, double, or triple the base dosing
amount with O2 (BayroSoft) manual dosing.
Ongoing dosing
Menu view changes during ongoing dosage. All relevant data for the
ongoing dosage are now shown:
Current value pH / mV
Remaining dosing time [min]
Dosed amount [l]
Dosing rate [%]
The only values that can appear here are 0% or 100%. If a
dosing output of 0% is shown, then manual dosing is blocked by
an alarm.
Dosing direction
The current status of the corresponding dosage pump. If "pump
off" is shown, then manual dosing is blocked by an alarm.
Operating mode pH / mV / O2 (manual / flow / alarm)
If dosing is running, then PoolManager
If, instead of this, "alarm" or "flow" is displayed, then manual
dosing is blocked by an alarm or due to there being no flow signal.
Manual dosing
can be stopped at any time by pressing the button
Manual Dosing.
Blocking via alarms
Just like normal automatic dosing, manua
the following alarm statuses:
Flow signal missing
Level alarm
(Depending on the configuration in the menu
Upper alarm
(blocks only manual dosing in D+ dosage direction)
Lower alarm
(blocks only manual dosing in D
After the end of an alarm status, the block on manual dosing is
released and the remaining amount is dosed.
If manual dosing is started during start delay, then the start delay will
end prematurely.
be dosed!
1.0 l
Here, the desired dosing amount is set for manual dosing.
calculates the duration of manual dosing
based on the dosing amount and hose configuration.
For a hose configuration with 1.5 l/h and a dosing amount
of 1.0 l, a manual dosing duration of 40 min. is yielded.
40 min
Here, the duration of manual dosing can be established. If
this setting is changed, then PoolManager
recalculates the dosing amount using the hose
For a hose configuration of 1.5 l/h and a manual dosing
duration of 30 min, a dosing amount of 0.75 l is yielded.
start manual dosing
will start dosage.
In addition to manual addition of the desired dosing amount, it is also
possible to select a volume of single, double, or triple the base dosing
amount with O2 (BayroSoft) manual dosing.
Menu view changes during ongoing dosage. All relevant data for the
Remaining dosing time [min]
The only values that can appear here are 0% or 100%. If a
dosing output of 0% is shown, then manual dosing is blocked by
status of the corresponding dosage pump. If "pump
off" is shown, then manual dosing is blocked by an alarm.
Operating mode pH / mV / O2 (manual / flow / alarm)
If dosing is running, then PoolManager
is in the operating mode
"alarm" or "flow" is displayed, then manual
dosing is blocked by an alarm or due to there being no flow signal.
can be stopped at any time by pressing the button
Just like normal automatic dosing, manual dosing can be blocked by
(Depending on the configuration in the menu
alarm settings
(blocks only manual dosing in D+ dosage direction)
(blocks only manual dosing in D- dosage direction)
After the end of an alarm status, the block on manual dosing is
released and the remaining amount is dosed.
If manual dosing is started during start delay, then the start delay will