Service functions
Energy saving mode
When energy saving mode is activated, PoolManager
brightness and enters energy saving mode after a co
of time. A simple touch ends energy saving mode and increases the
screen's brightness.
This function can be configured in the menu
Energy saving mode
Energy saving mode
Energy-saving mode
Time in [min] after which energy saving mode
activated when no user entries are made.
Energy saving mode
(active / inactive)
Activates and deactivates the toggle to energy
saving mode after the configured amount of time.
Service functions
Requisite user qualification:
The functions in the menu
Service functions
be used by a TRAINED SPECIALIST as defined in the
User qualification.
The menu
Device settings
is called up as follows:
Menu hotkey
Service Functions
This menu has special functions for service staff that are needed, for
example, for the system's basic configuration (pool volume,
configuration of dosage pumps, etc.).
Furthermore, a software update can be performed or the maintenance
problem (Cl / Br / O2) can be changed.
Specifically, the menu offers the following functions:
Service Functions
Pool volume
Pool volume in [m³]
Configuration of dosing
Configuration of dosing pump parameters
(Standard pump or membrane pump,
dosing rate). See section
Device information
and test functions
Display of battery voltage
(Buffer battery for internal real
future test functions.
Reset to
Reset of all parameter settings
to default settings.
Management of
system configurations
Import and export of complete system
configurations via remote access or USB stick.
See section
Managing system configurations.
Step by step
Call-up menu sequence for first
First start-up.
Software update
(from USB stick)
Update to PoolManager
so, the new software has to be copied to a USD
memory stick. See section
USB stick).
Device type & care
Configuration of the PoolManager
(Cl / Br / O2)
Trade show settings
Activation of special functions for trade shows and
training sessions (e.g. internal simulation of
measured values)
Master level functions
Special functions for users
with Master (level 4) access rights.
Separate documentation is available for
functions as needed.
User Manual PoolManager
When energy saving mode is activated, PoolManager
reduces screen
brightness and enters energy saving mode after a configured amount
of time. A simple touch ends energy saving mode and increases the
Energy saving mode
Time in [min] after which energy saving mode is
activated when no user entries are made.
Activates and deactivates the toggle to energy
saving mode after the configured amount of time.
Service functions
may only
be used by a TRAINED SPECIALIST as defined in the
is called up as follows:
service staff that are needed, for
example, for the system's basic configuration (pool volume,
Furthermore, a software update can be performed or the maintenance
menu offers the following functions:
Configuration of dosing pump parameters
(Standard pump or membrane pump,
dosing rate). See section
Dosing pumps.
Display of battery voltage
(Buffer battery for internal real-time clock),
Reset of all parameter settings
f complete system
configurations via remote access or USB stick.
Managing system configurations.
up menu sequence for first start-up. See
5 device software. To do
so, the new software has to be copied to a USD
memory stick. See section
Software update (from
Configuration of the PoolManager
Activation of special functions for trade shows and
training sessions (e.g. internal simulation of
Special functions for users
with Master (level 4) access rights.
Separate documentation is available for these
Management of system configurations
This menu provides you with a wide range of options to load or save
entire system configuration. The source or destination can be a PC in
remote access or a USB memory stick. Furthermore,
can also internally store four more configurations in addition to the
active configuration.
You can select one system configuration as the source and transfer it
into another system configuration (destination). The current system
configuration can also be used as a source or a destination.
A system configuration includes all PoolManager
exclusions are:
Access data (usernames, access codes, passwords)
Maintenance method
Network (IP) settings
An easy-to-follow name can be assi
in order to distinguish various configurations from each other.
User management
delivers comprehensive, flexible, and high
user administration. This makes it possible to define individualised
access rights for each of the system's users. Furthermore, the rights
for remote access can also be configured very flexibly for each
individual user. In doing so, it's even possible to make a distinction
between remote access from the local network and from t
i.e. you can release more functions for remote access from the local
network than for remote access from the Internet as needed.
Menu user administration
The menu
User administration
is called up as follows:
Menu hotkey
User administration
The menu contains multiple sub-menus with the following
configuration options:
User administration
Standard users (menu access only)
This sub-menu can be used to configure the access codes for standard
See section
Standard users.
Individual users (menu access & remote access)
This sub-menu can be used to create individual users and configure their
rights. Remote access from the local network or from the Internet can be
released for individual users.
See section
Individual users.
Enable remote access for various functions
Enable or disable remote access to various functions like access to the mode
code, calibration, manual dosing
Enable remote access for add-on functions
Enable or disable remote access to add
output OUT 1...OUT 4, filter pump, heating etc.
Adjust r user level for various functions
Adjust required user level for various functions like 1 point calibration, manual
dosing, accessto the mode menu
The individual menus and functions are described in the detail in the
following sections.
Management of system configurations
This menu provides you with a wide range of options to load or save
entire system configuration. The source or destination can be a PC in
remote access or a USB memory stick. Furthermore, PoolManager
can also internally store four more configurations in addition to the
You can select one system configuration as the source and transfer it
into another system configuration (destination). The current system
can also be used as a source or a destination.
A system configuration includes all PoolManager
settings. The only
Access data (usernames, access codes, passwords)
follow name can be assigned to every copied configuration
in order to distinguish various configurations from each other.
delivers comprehensive, flexible, and high-performance
user administration. This makes it possible to define individualised
ss rights for each of the system's users. Furthermore, the rights
for remote access can also be configured very flexibly for each
individual user. In doing so, it's even possible to make a distinction
between remote access from the local network and from the Internet,
i.e. you can release more functions for remote access from the local
network than for remote access from the Internet as needed.
Menu user administration
is called up as follows:
menus with the following
Standard users (menu access only)
menu can be used to configure the access codes for standard
Individual users (menu access & remote access)
menu can be used to create individual users and configure their
rights. Remote access from the local network or from the Internet can be
Enable remote access for various functions
Enable or disable remote access to various functions like access to the mode
on functions
add-on functions like universal swich
output OUT 1...OUT 4, filter pump, heating etc.
Adjust required user level for various functions like 1 point calibration, manual
individual menus and functions are described in the detail in the