RoboClaw Series
Brushed DC Motor Controllers
RoboClaw Series User Manual
USB Control
USB Connection
When RoboClaw is connected, it will automatically detect it has been connected to a powered
USB master and will enable USB communications. USB can be connected in any mode. When
the Roboclaw is not in packet serial mode USB packet serial commands can be used to read
status information and set configuration settings, however motor movement commands will not
function. When in packet serial mode if another device such as an Arduino is connected to S1
and S2 pins and sending commands to the RoboClaw, both those commands and USB packet
serial commands will execute.
USB Power
The USB RoboClaw is self powered. This means it receives no power from the USB cable. The
USB RoboClaw must be externally powered to function.
USB Comport and Baudrate
The RoboClaw will be detected as a CDC Virtual Comport. When connected to a Windows PC a
driver must be installed. The driver is available for download from our website. On Linux or OSX
the RoboClaw will be automatically detected as a virtual comport and an appropriate driver will
be automatically loaded.
Unlike a real comport the USB CDC Virtual Comport does not need a baud rate to be set. It
will always communicate at the fastest speed the master and slave device can reach. This will
typically be around 500kbps.