RoboClaw Series
Brushed DC Motor Controllers
RoboClaw Series User Manual
69 - Set M2 Default Duty Acceleration
Set the default acceleration for M2 when using duty cycle commands(Cmds 32,33 and 34) or
when using Standard Serial, RC and Analog PWM modes.
Send: [Address, 69, Accel(4 bytes)
CRC(2 bytes)
Receive: [0xFF]
70 - Set Motor1 Default Speed
Set M1 default speed for use with M1 position command and RC or analog modes when position
control is enabled. This sets the percentage of the maximum speed set by QPSS as the default
speed. The range is 0 to 32767.
Send: [Address, 70, Value(2 bytes), CRC(2 bytes)]
Receive: [0xFF]
71 - Set Motor 2 Default Speed
Set M2 default speed for use with M2 postion command and RC or analog modes when position
control is enabled. This sets the percentage of the maximum speed set by QPSS as the default
speed. The range is 0 to 32767.
Send: [Address, 71, Value(2 bytes), CRC(2 bytes)]
Receive: [0xFF]
72 - Read Default Speed Settings
Read current default speeds for M1 and M2.
Send: [Address, 72]
Receive: [M1Speed(2 bytes), M2Speed(2 bytes), CRC(2 bytes)]