Com Port
This specifies which PC communications port is connected
to the BAS 100B. A value of 0 disables the
Baud Rate
This specifies the rate at which information is transferred
between the PC and the BAS 100B.
Line Freq.
This specifies the line frequency of the local A.C. voltage.
The selected frequency determines the default Sample
Width for pulse experiments - 17 ms for 60 Hz and 20 ms
for 50 Hz (1 line cycle is selected in order to minimize line
frequency interference).
Cell Stand
The BAS 100B/W can control the purging and stirring for
the BAS Cell Stands and the BAS Controlled Growth
Mercury Electrode (CGME). The knock/dispense routines
for the SMDE and CGME modes of the Mercury electrode
are also controlled by the BAS 100B/W, so the Cell Stand
option must be set accordingly (the SMDE option can also
be used for the PAR 303A SMDE).
This activates purging/stirring between experiments.
This couples purging and stirring during the deposition step
of stripping experiments.
This activates a beep before and after each run
This synchronizes the drop knock/dispense of a mercury
electrode with the end of the potential pulse. If Knock is
not checked, then no knock or dispense will occur before or
during the experiment when using the SMDE or CGME
modes (however, if Controlled DME in the Controlled
Growth dialog box is checked, then the valve is held open,
but no knock occurs).
This is the number of mercury drops dispensed from a
mercury electrode before the start of an experiment
(provided the Knock option is checked). For SMDE
experiments using the BAS CGME, the number of Pre
Drops depends on the selected drop size as well as the
number entered. For CGME experiments, the number of
Pre Drops delivered will match the number entered,
regardless of the drop size, and entering 0 will allow the
same drop to be used for multiple experiments (except in
polarography experiments).