5.5 Run Options
Figure 5-1. Run Options dialog box.
This command allows some automation when running experiments.
a) It Runs and the Time Interval between the runs must be specified by the user
(Note: the Time Interval is in addition to the time required to transfer the data to
disk). The data files are stored automatically after the run in the binary (.BIN)
format (the Base Filename and the Path (drive and directory) must be specified
by the user). The first run starts immediately after [OK] is selected, unless a
warning is given that existing files will be overwritten by this operation. During
each run, the title of the graph shows the filename of that run. Between runs, a
small dialog box shows the filenames of the previous and next runs, and the time
remaining before the next run. The filenames of the completed runs are listed in
the Main window.
If the Find peaks after run box is checked (Results Options in the Analysis
menu), a Results Graph and Results List is produced after each run, rather than
a Single Graph. Note that is may require additional time to calculate the results:
therefore, if the Time Interval between runs is critical, this option should be
Pressing <Esc> at any time during a series of Multiple Runs will abort the
present run and any further runs.
The number of the first run can be specified using Next Run Number. This
allows a previous set of multiple runs to be continued.
b) If a Result file name is entered, the program creates a file containing one result
line for each run, nicely formatted according to the Data Column Separator
option selected in the Text Data Format dialog box. Both multiple and single
runs append lines to the result file if it is enabled. Comma+Space format (.CSV
extension) and Tab format files are very easy to import into Excel. For
convenience of importing, all text labels are extracted from the Result file,