There are a number of parameters that are common to all techniques.
a) Potential range. When only a single potential is required, this is defined by Initial E.
If a potential range is required, this is defined by Initial E and Final E (for single
sweep/scan/step experiments), or Initial E, High E and Low E (for two or more
sweep/ scans/steps in the experiment). The range for any potential is -3276 to +3276
b) Sensitivity. This is the gain of the current-to-voltage converter output. For all
techniques (except CC, IMP and LOGI), the range of sensitivities is 100 mA/V to
10 pA/V, although for sensitivities greater than 100 nA/V, the Low Current Module
(LCM) must be used.
c) Quiet Time. This is the time between the initiation of the Run and the start of the
potential scan/step. The working electrode is connected at Initial E during this time,
so that equilibration can occur before the start of the experiment. The allowed range
for the Quiet Time is 0 to 65535 seconds.