Warranty Card
Each BAS analyzer system is shipped with a warranty card which should be
completed and returned by the end user. This card will enable us to identify and
contact the individual responsible for the operation of the instrument. Please
return the card as soon as possible so that we may inform you of product updates
and other pertinent technical information.
Extended Warranty Agreement
BAS offers an extended warranty “Full Protection Service Agreement” to
customers purchasing this system. Please contact you Sales Representative or the
Service Department at BAS for further details.
Service Information
Bioanalytical Systems provides a skilled staff available to solve you technical and
equipment-oriented problems. For service, call (765) 463-4527 during normal
working hours (Eastern Standard Time the year round) and ask for Customer
Service. The operator will route your problem to the correct individual. Following
discussion of your specific difficulties, an appropriate course of action will be
described and the problem will be resolved accordingly.
Do not return any products for service until a Return Authorization Number
(RA#) has been obtained. The RA# identifies you as the sender and describes the
problem you are having in full detail. All correspondence and shipments should
be sent to:
Service Department
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
2701 Kent Avenue
West Lafayette, IN 47906
RA# ________________