Directories List
The current pathname is shown above this list box, and is
updated when a different disk drive or directory is selected.
The path is changed by selecting one of the directories
shown in this list and then clicking [OK] or pressing
<Enter> (alternatively, you can double-click on the desired
directory). Files in the selected directory (which is now the
default directory) will then be listed in the Files List.
Drive Select
This drop-down list box show the current disk drive. To
select a different drive, click on the [Down-Arrow] box
and select the desired drive.
Load Data
The Load Data command reloads a data file previously saved by the 100W software,
in either binary (.BIN) or text (.TXT, .CRL, .SPC and .TAB) format. .TXT files from
earlier BAS File Service programs can also be loaded.
List Data
The List Data command lists the data currently in main memory. This allows review
of the data without having to save the data as a text file. During listing, you can press
<Enter> to Pause the listing or press <Esc> to Cancel further lines or click on
[Pause] or [Cancel] in the BAS100W Listing box.
Save Data
Data can be saved in the BAS100W's compact binary (.BIN) format or in the text
(.TXT, .CRL, .SPC and .TAB) format, which can be read by other programs.
List Text File
The List Text File command is used to list data files previously saved in the text
(.TXT, .CRL, .SPC and .TAB) format. Any text file having the .TXT, .CRL, .SPC
and .TAB extension can be listed. During listing, you can press <Enter> to Pause the
listing or press <Esc> to Cancel further lines or click on [Pause] or [Cancel] in the
BAS100W Listing box.