BH8-Series – User’s Manual
© 2007 Barrett Technology®, Inc.
Document: D3000, Version: AF.00
Page 10 of 82
The BHControl Interface is a Windows application that allows you to control the BarrettHand™
quickly and easily. The BHControl Interface shows how to measure communication loop rates,
demonstrate functionality, test Supervisory and RealTime control sequences, and how to save
those sequences as ASCII text or even as C++ code (literally with the click of a “Generate C++
Code” button). See the BHControl Interface Manual for more information on the
Windows95/98/NT/2000-based BHControl Interface GUI.
Maintenance Kit
Included in each BarrettHand™ package is a maintenance kit. Use the maintenance kit in
accordance with the instructions in Section 7. The maintenance kit includes the following:
1.0-mm Hex wrench
1.27-mm Hex wrench
2.0-mm Hex wrench
Mobil 1® Lubricant in syringe
Lubricant applicators
Torque wrench
2.0-mm Hex adapter for Torque wrench
Loctite 222