page 17
page 17
page 17
page 17
page 17
375 SE
Preventive maintenance is really just a simple matter of common sense. If you keep any piece of mechanical
equipment clean and properly lubricated, and promptly replace any worn or damaged parts, you are going to
"prevent" deterioration and promote long life and safe, productive service. The only other requisite to such a
program is the regular scheduling of such maintenance.
Obviously, when you are operating under severe job conditions, such as a dusty job site, in extreme heat or
cold, a long operating day, or extremely heavy loads, the recommended intervals in the schedule should be
The suggested schedule on the following page is designed to be just a reminder of what should be done. For
detailed instructions on each item, consult the Table of Contents for where each is located in this manual.
Instructions are necessary before doing service
Instructions are necessary before doing service
Instructions are necessary before doing service
Instructions are necessary before doing service
Instructions are necessary before doing service
on loader. See warnings and instructions both at
on loader. See warnings and instructions both at
on loader. See warnings and instructions both at
on loader. See warnings and instructions both at
on loader. See warnings and instructions both at
the beginning and throughout this manual. After
the beginning and throughout this manual. After
the beginning and throughout this manual. After
the beginning and throughout this manual. After
the beginning and throughout this manual. After
doing service or making repairs or adjustments
doing service or making repairs or adjustments
doing service or making repairs or adjustments
doing service or making repairs or adjustments
doing service or making repairs or adjustments
always check function of loader.
always check function of loader.
always check function of loader.
always check function of loader.
always check function of loader.
Safety glasses or goggles are always needed for
Safety glasses or goggles are always needed for
Safety glasses or goggles are always needed for
Safety glasses or goggles are always needed for
Safety glasses or goggles are always needed for
eye protection from electric arcs, from shorts or
eye protection from electric arcs, from shorts or
eye protection from electric arcs, from shorts or
eye protection from electric arcs, from shorts or
eye protection from electric arcs, from shorts or
welding, battery acid, compressed springs, fluids
welding, battery acid, compressed springs, fluids
welding, battery acid, compressed springs, fluids
welding, battery acid, compressed springs, fluids
welding, battery acid, compressed springs, fluids
under pressure, and flying debris or loose
under pressure, and flying debris or loose
under pressure, and flying debris or loose
under pressure, and flying debris or loose
under pressure, and flying debris or loose
material when engines are running or tools are
material when engines are running or tools are
material when engines are running or tools are
material when engines are running or tools are
material when engines are running or tools are
used. Use eye protection approved for type of
used. Use eye protection approved for type of
used. Use eye protection approved for type of
used. Use eye protection approved for type of
used. Use eye protection approved for type of
welding. Failure to obey warnings can cause
welding. Failure to obey warnings can cause
welding. Failure to obey warnings can cause
welding. Failure to obey warnings can cause
welding. Failure to obey warnings can cause
injury or death.
injury or death.
injury or death.
injury or death.
injury or death.
A new machine needs a special maintenance procedure after the first 50 hours of operation. In addition to an
overall inspection of the loader, the torque of the turntable mounting bolts and pin nuts of the boom and grapple
should be checked and retorqued, if necessary. Also, hydraulic filter elements should be changed and
inspected. If excessive dirt is found, the hydraulic reservoir should be drained, cleaned, and refilled.