www. matrix-vision.com
BVS SC-_1280Z00-30-0-0
unsigned integer, 1 byte long
unsigned integer, 2 bytes long
unsigned integer, 4 bytes long
2.4 Copyright
Copyright © Balluff GmbH, Neuhausen a.d.F., Germany, 2018. All rights reserved. In
particular: Right to duplication, modification, dissemination and translation into other
languages. Please note that all texts, graphics and images contained in these operating
instructions are protected by copyright and other protection laws. Commercial duplica-
tions, reproductions, modifications and disseminations of any type require the prior writ-
ten approval of Balluff GmbH. All information and notes in these operating instructions,
particularly the chapter Safety Instructions, must be observed.
2.5 Legal requirements
The General Terms and Conditions of Balluff GmbH in their respective current version
and the conditions in these operating instructions exclusively apply to all deliveries of
products and to all other services of Balluff GmbH (henceforth referred to as “GTC”). The
provisioning of the software is exclusively subject to the respective current GTC, the
conditions in these operating instructions a
s well as the regulations of the “Balluff
Enduser Licensing Agreement”. You may use the software only in compliance with these
provisions. If they should not yet be available, Balluff GmbH will gladly provide the cur-
rent GTC upon request.
uses an embedded Linux/GNU as the operating system. Also
used are a variety of freely available tools which were published under various open
source licenses. Some licenses require that the source code and modifications be pub-
lished. These sources are published on the Product homepage.
The license texts for all software products used can be downloaded from the web inter-
face along with the manuals. They are available as ZIP files.
2.6 Updates and upgrades
Balluff GmbH is authorized
– but not obligated – to make updates or upgrades of the
firmware available via the website of Balluff GmbH or in any other form. In such a case,
Balluff GmbH is authorized
– but not obligated – to inform you about the updates or
upgrades. The use of such upgrades or updates assumes that you accepted the validity
of the current GTC as well as the additional conditions in the operating instructions.
2.7 Trademarks
The product, trade, company and technology designations used (e.g. Microsoft®, Win-
dows 7®, Internet Explorer®, Google Chrome®, Mozilla Firefox® and HALCON®) are
trademarks of the respective owners.