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The power entry panel has a connection for input AC, alarm
contact outputs, and cable connectors for peripheral devices.
NOTE: When using a driver cabinet, an alternate console capability
is necessary to perform maintenance and configuration require-
ments. Refer to
for IIVTE0 video terminal information.
Presents an overview of the OIS console and related hardware.
It also provides a complete list of system specifications.
Describes the theory of operation of the OIS console and
related hardware.
Describes the installation and wiring. It also describes the
jumper settings of the multibus modules and peripherals. Be
sure to read and follow all warnings and cautions.
Provides basic troubleshooting procedures, diagnostic AC/DC
power test procedures, module failure LED codes and tech-
niques for gathering information on software faults.
Contains a schedule and procedures for maintenance.
Describes how to replace hardware and the printed circuit
boards in the multibus card cage.
Includes a spare parts list and ordering instructions.
Contains jumper, switch and fuse locations for quick refer-
Explains how to set up redundant ethernet networks. It also
contains examples of ethernet connections.
Read this entire instruction in sequence before attempting to
install or use the console. It is important to become familiar
with the entire content of the instruction prior to installing and
operating the console to attain maximum system efficiency.
The instruction is organized into seven sections and two
appendices. Its organization enables finding specific informa-
tion quickly, and using this instruction as a reference after
becoming fully familiar with the console. Be sure to read the
notes which provide:
Additional information.
Information that should be considered before performing a
certain operation or function.