7-2. Status messages
The device displays warnings or alarms as status messages. If errors occur during
commissioning or measuring operation, these errors are displayed immediately. This takes
place in the configuration program by means of the parameter in the Adv. Diagnostic Block or
on the mounted display. A distinction is made here between the following 4 status categories:
Status category
Error category
Fault detected ('Failure')
Maintenance necessary
Device is in the service mode (check)
Specifications not observed ('Out of
WARNING error category:
With “M”, “C” and “S” status messages, the device tries to continue measuring (uncertain
measurement!). If a display unit is attached, the display alternates between the main measured
value and the status in the form of the letter in question plus the defined error number.
ALARM error category:
The device does not continue measuring when the status message is “F”. If a display unit is
attached, the display alternates between the status message and “- - - -” (no valid measured
value available). Depending on the setting of the Fail Safe Type parameter (FSAFE_TYPE),
the last good measured value, the incorrect measured value or the value configured under
Fail Safe Value (FSAFE_VALUE) is transmitted via the fieldbus with the status “BAD” for the
measured value. The fault state is displayed in the form of the letter “F” plus a defined number.
Note: In both instances, the system outputs the sensor that generates the status, e.g. “C1”, “C2”.
If no sensor name is displayed, the status message does not refer to a sensor but refers to
the device itself.
Abbreviations of the output variables:
SV1 = Sensor value 1
SV2 = Sensor value 2
PV1 = Primary value 1
PV2 = Primary value 2
RJ1 = Reference junction 1
RJ2 = Reference junction 2