Version 3.0.0 Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change 16-46
3.1.4. Object 1003h: Pre-Defined Error Field
The object 1003h provides an error history by listing the errors in the order that they have
occurred. An error is added to the top of the list when it occurs, and is immediately removed
when the error condition has been cleared. The latest error is always at subindex 1, with
subindex 0 containing the number of errors currently in the list. When the device is in an
error-free state, the value of subindex 0 is zero.
The error list may be cleared by writing a zero to subindex 0, which will clear all errors from
the list, regardless of whether or not they are still present. Clearing the list does NOT mean
that the module will return to the error-free behaviour state if at least one error is still active.
The 18 Digital Input has a limitation of a maximum of 16 errors in the list. If the device
registers more errors, the list will be truncated, and the oldest entries will be lost.
The error codes stored in the list are 32-bit unsigned numbers, consisting of two 16-bit
fields. The lower 16-bit field is the EMCY error code, and the higher 16-bit field is a
manufacturer-specific code. The manufacturer-specific code is divided into two 8-bit fields,
with the higher byte indicating the error description, and the lower byte indicating the
channel number where the error occurred.
Error Description
EMCY Error Code
See Section 4 for a complete list of the error code fields.
Object Description
Index 1003h
Pre-Defined Error Field
Object Type
Data Type
Entry Description
Subindex 0h
Number of entries
Access RO
PDO Mapping
Value Range
0 to 16
Default Value
1h to 10h
Standard error field
Access RO
PDO Mapping
Value Range
Default Value