A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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user attention, but the progress will be fully visible on the station.
show installation wizard
- the installation will be visible on the station
and the currently logged user will need to manually confirm all steps.
Display a notification message regarding scheduled system restart on the
remote computer
- If the previous checkbox is checked, you can also define a
delay before the restart will take place. The default value is ten minutes.
This option is not supported in MS Windows 2000.
In the
Setup properties
section you can choose from the following options:
Where to install
- if you prefer a customized target location for installation, you
can choose it by entering the path here. We recommend keeping the default
Setup language
- choose a default custom language for AVG installation and
user interface.
Select folder where AVG 9.0 setup LOG file will be stored
- if you prefer a
custom location for setup log files, select it here (the folder must already exist
on the target station).
The following options are available in this step.