A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
2 1 3
Choosing this script will remove duplicated stations from the AVG DataCenter
according to chosen station identification method (e.g. if the identification
method is IP address, all stations with the same IP address will be removed).
Individual settings of removed stations will be deleted and only the newest
stations will be preserved.
Delete objects whose owner is not available in the AVG DataCenter
Choosing this script will remove all settings, tests, rules and the scheduled tasks
belonging to stations that no longer exist in the AVG DataCenter anymore from
the AVG DataCenter.
Remove unused update servers
Choosing this script removes all update servers that have not communicated for
more than 7 days from the AVG DataCenter.
Remove old Alert Manager events from the AVG DataCenter
Choosing this script removes all Alert Manager events older than 7 days from the
AVG DataCenter.
Check the scripts you are willing to apply and click
Run scripts
button to use them.
Please note, that the database maintenance process may take a while.
You can also use the
Load custom script
button to choose a custom SQL Script file
manually. This option is recommended only to advanced users.
11.11. List of AVG Setup Parameters
The following tables contain list of AVG setup parameters that can be used by
advanced users to customize the AVG installation (i.e. by editing the produced
installation scripts or by creating new ones). Most of these parameters are used by
AVG Network Installer
automatically to install AVG in silent mode with desired
components, settings, etc.
Setup /Parameter_Name
Usage examples:
setup.exe /HIDE
setup.exe /LANGID 0x407
avgsetup.exe /RESTART_DELAY 60