A V G 9 .0 A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
1 8 5
This database engine is appropriate for smaller networks with up to 150 stations.
The database is a standard part of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition
To change location of the database file, you can change the path in the
Database file
MS SQL Server Express
A reduced version of the
Microsoft SQL Server
, it can serve up to 1000
stations. The product is not a standard part of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business
Edition. Its usage is not limited by any commercial license.
To change the database name insert a custom value into the
Database name
MS SQL Server
This engine can serve over 1000 stations in large networks. It is not a standard
part of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition and its usage is bound to the
Microsoft SQL Server license.
To change the database name insert a custom value into the
Database name
This engine can serve over 1000 stations in large networks. It is not a standard
part of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition and its usage is bound to a
commercial license.
This engine can serve over 1000 stations in large networks. It is not a standard
part of AVG 9.0 Anti-Virus Business Edition and a commercial license may be
needed for use in a commercial environment.
Database access
section allows you to change the following parameters (not
available for all database engines):
- a database username chosen for the database creation during the
AVG Admin Deployment Wizard.
- a database password chosen for the database creation during the
AVG Admin Deployment Wizard.
Computer name
- type in the computer name with the database.
– refers to a particular SQL Server/Oracle installation, if there is more
than one instance installed on the station.