A V G A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
3 2
Computer name
– defines the name of the station, on which SQL Express
Edition is installed
Instance name
– refers to a particular SQL Express Edition installation, if there
is more than one instance installed on the station.
Administrator’s username
– predefined automatically, you do not need to
change it
Administrator’s password
– password for the database administrator
Database name
- shows the predefined database name
- type in a preferred new login name for the database (to be used
for AVG Admin Server connection)
User password
- type in a preferred new password for the database (to be
used for AVG Admin Server connection)
Continue to the next step -
Data Import
- by pressing the
3.7.3. MS SQL Server
Fill in the following information:
Computer name
– defines the name of the server, on which the SQL Server is
Instance name
– refers to a particular SQL Server installation, if there is more