A V G A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
1 1 7
Double-click on one of the account names to trigger a roll-down menu (or right-
click on it to trigger the context menu with same contents). From there, you can
choose the permission type:
Full access
- the chosen user account will have the full access to the
Read only
- the chosen user account will be only able to view the group.
No access
- the chosen user account will have no access to the group at
Synchronize settings
- will ask all stations in the group for immediate
synchronization of settings.
Ask to perform program update
- will ask all stations in the group to start the
program update process.
Ask to perform virus database update
- will ask all stations in the group to
start the virus database update process.
Ask to rollback last anti-virus database update
- will ask all stations in the
group to use previous virus database version and disregard the last one.
Delete temporary update files
- sends request to all stations to remove
temporary update files.
Ask for scan results
- will ask all stations in the group for scan results.
If you right click on a station in the Application Servers view, you can choose from the
following options:
Delete station
- will delete the station from the AVG DataCenter.
Station overview
- will launch a station overview dialog that contains well
arranged detailed information related to such station. The dialog offer the
following working buttons:
- opens station settings.
Firewall Settings
- displays Firewall settings of the currents station.
Available only if there is the Firewall component installed.
- allows you to export the information into a .csv file.
- closes the dialog.
- will open the Station settings dialog.
Firewall settings
- will open the Firewall settings for station dialog.