A V G A nti- V irus Bus ines s E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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13. AVG Managed Update
Please Note:
AVG Managed Update service and all its settings are available only if
you use a proper license!
AVG Managed Update
is a service for our clients that enables forced AVG
updates invoked by the AVG Technologies corporation. Using the service, a registered
AVG Admin Server
can be told by an external incentive (a special TCP/UDP packet
sent by a program residing at the AVG Technologies server) that a new update is
available. The update files are downloaded then and an update notification is
distributed to the defined AVG stations instantly (see the description of the Client info
tab for details).
Thus you can obtain and distribute the update immediately after its release. This is
another security enhancement, which helps keeping your system even more up-to-
date than regular scheduled update checking. But note that the scheduled update
does not lose its sense – on the other hand, we recommend you do not neglect the
proper setup of scheduled updates, for they can serve as a reserve when the AVG
Managed Update feature is not functional for any reason.
Only a server with a public IP address can receive update notification packets.
And for a server in a firewall-protected network, the respective port (4157 by
default) must be allowed for incoming connections.
AVG Managed Update
feature is controlled using a tab in the AVG Admin Server
Monitor. The application is accessible from the
AVG 2011 Remote Administration
folder of the
All Programs
folder in the
Windows Start
Press the
Server settings
button in the
AVG Admin Server Monitor