12.1 Reports
IM series User Instructions
Reporting Functions
Totals are updated whenever a label or receipt has been printed successfully.
You must be in Manager Mode to print a report.
You can assign a security level to any report.
Missing fields
If there is no data for a particular field then that field is not printed on the report. For
example, if you are printing a Grand or Operator report and no voids have been
registered then the Void Value and Void Count lines are not printed.
Sales value
Sales values show actual turnover.
Sales totals
are not reduced by refunds or returns.
are reduced by Negative PLUs.
Report type
An X report prints the totals for the period and does not reset any totals data.
Clearing (Z) reports, the totals are cleared and the relevant clearing date in the security
report is updated.
A Z report prints the X totals for the period and then resets those totals.
Please remember .....
If the report printing fails for any reason or you abort the report printing, the totals will be