If the current PIN-code encompasses slight press of
the accelerator, enter the PIN-code once again and
press the accelerator to the floor.
Assign a new service/valet button:
press the button
that is meant to be used as a service/valet button
21 times. Each pressing should be confirmed
by the indication signal. The time gap between
pressings should not exceed two seconds. There is
no difference between «long» and «short» pushes.
Successful adding of the service/valet button will
be confirmed by 21 indication signal.
If three or four indication signals have been
provided, this connotes that the number of pushes
is different from 21 and the service/valet button
has not been added. Turn off the ignition and repeat
points 1-5.
6. Turn off the ignition.
The alternative service/valet button does not
cancel the service/valet button set by default. Both
of the set buttons might be used as a service/valet
button ever after.
In order to delete the alternative service/valet button,
assign the service/valet button set by default as service/
valet button. The same algorithm should be used.