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This enables the gearbox to continue operating without damage,
but will impair the operation and smoothness of the gearshifts.
Faults detected by the gearbox are classified in four different cat‐
1 - The fault is stored in the memory and one of the backup
programs is activated. The gear selection indicator in the
instrument cluster will continue to show the currently en‐
gaged selector lever position in the normal way. The driver
can continue to drive the vehicle (with certain restrictions),
and the condition is not critical to the safety of the vehicle or
to the gearbox itself. If at all, the driver will only notice the
fault if he experiences driveability problems, and will then
automatically contact an Audi Service Partner.
2 - Certain positions on the gear selection indicator in the in‐
strument cluster start to flash. This is to inform the driver that
this particular selector lever position is currently not availa‐
ble. Example: position "D" will start flashing if the selector
lever is moved from position "R" to position "D" while the
vehicle is still rolling backwards. To avoid damage to the
gearbox, the mechatronic unit for direct shift gearbox -J743-
prevents 1st gear from being engaged while the vehicle is
moving backwards. 1st gear will only be engaged when the
vehicle comes to a standstill.
3 - The complete gear selection indicator lights up and flashes;
the currently engaged selector lever position is highlighted.
This shows the driver that a temporary critical fault in the
gearbox has been detected. Example: the gearbox has
been overloaded or overheated, for instance by towing an
excessively heavy load. The driver can continue to drive the
vehicle when the gearbox has cooled off, but will need to
avoid placing a heavy load on the transmission.
4 - The gear selection indicator flashes; the currently engaged
selector lever position is no longer indicated. This shows the
driver that a critical and permanent fault in the gearbox has
been detected. It may no longer be possible to use all gears,
so this condition is critical to the safety of the vehicle and to
the gearbox itself. This display is intended to warn the driver
that he should contact an Audi Service Partner.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.00 - Technical data