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Proceed as follows:
The selector lever handle is removed together with the selector
lever boot.
– Apply handbrake.
– Shift selector lever into position “N”.
– Use a cable tie to secure the interlock button in pulled-out po‐
sition -arrow-, as shown in the illustration.
– Using a small screwdriver, carefully pry out selector lever boot
at the side -arrow 1-.
– Pull up both sides of boot and detach boot -arrows 2 and 3-.
– Turn selector lever boot -2- inside out over selector lever han‐
dle -3-.
– Release hose clip -1-.
– Pull off selector lever handle together with selector lever boot
-arrow-, taking care not to touch interlock button.
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
2. Selector lever handle, selector lever display illumination bulb L101 - exploded view