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Securing gearbox in horizontal position
– Secure gearbox to engine/gearbox support -VW 540-
– Using workshop hoist -VAS 6100- , insert gearbox into support
clamp -VW 313-
The gearbox can swing round suddenly in the support clamp.
♦ The centre of gravity of the gearbox is outside the pivot
centre of the support clamp. A second mechanic is there‐
fore required to hold the gearbox housing when the gear‐
box is rotated in the clamp.
Oil can escape when the gearbox is rotated in the support
♦ The breathers on the gearbox housing must be sealed off
if the gearbox (with oil filling) is turned on the assembly
stand so that the oil pan faces upwards.
Securing gearbox in vertical position
– Secure gearbox to gearbox support -VW 353- and fit into sup‐
port clamp -VW 313- using support plate -VW 309- .
Audi TT 2007 ➤
Direct shift gearbox 02E, front-wheel drive - Edition 12.2006
Rep. Gr.34 - Controls, housing